Certified Signal Person Training

Our Certified Signal Person Training helps you fulfill OSHA requirements for directing a crane. A signal person is required when the point of operation is not in full view of the operator per OSHA 1926.1419(a), or the operator’s view is obstructed in the direction the equipment is traveling. A signal person may also be required when either the operator or the person handling the load determines that a signal person is needed because of site-specific safety concerns.

The Certified Signal Person course is available online and onsite.

We offer group discounts for training multiple employees using our online training course or with onsite training at your location. Call us for a free quote for a Live Onsite or Group Online Signal Person training course for your employees.

OSHA 1926.1419(d) requires practical training to meet the Qualified Signal Person criteria. Individuals can achieve immediate OSHA Qualified Signal Person status with our online Certified Signal Person course which includes the course, and Written and Practical Exams. Upon successful completion, you will be certified for 2 years. Click here to enroll.

And as always, we offer a live on-site course to train your employees as Signal Persons. Call us for a free quote for a Live Onsite Signal Person training program at your site.

Crane Signal Person Training Course

Certified Signal Person Training Course Material

Our Certified Signal  Person training course provides the training necessary to signal a crane and to be a designated spotter for a crane operator if a power line is within the reach of the crane. The course covers the following topics:

  • OSHA regulations
  • ASME regulations
  • Hand, Voice and Audible signals
  • Crane dynamics involved in lifting and swinging a load
  • Crane charts and limitations
  • Signal person responsibilities
  • When a signal person is required
  • Clearances from power line
  • Side loading
  • Two Blocking
  • Tipping
  • Leveling the crane
  • Fall zone
  • Crane failures
  • Crane Hazards