Online Certificate RENEWAL Classes

American Crane & Safety offers online training courses to renew your designation as a Qualified Rigger, Certified Rigger Level 1 and Certified Signal Person. These online renewal courses are also available in Spanish.

All of our online courses allow you to learn at your own pace. You can start the course and take a break when you need to. These multi-media courses are designed with audio education, videos, and feature problem-solving workshops.

Each course is designed in sections with quizzes along the way to evaluate your progress. All students who complete and pass the courses receive a Certificate of Completion and a 2 year extension of the designation. Students who complete and pass the Certified Rigger Level 1 exam, the Certified Signal Person exam, or the Certified Rigger Level 1 Renewal may choose to receive a physical ID card valid for 2 years.

Do you have several employees that need training?
We offer a Bundled Course option for groups over 5.  Your employees would be able to sign up and take the combination of courses that you have chosen, skipping the individual payment process.
Please contact us for more details and for our Bundled Course Discount Program.

Renewal Courses

Certified Rigger Level 1 RENEWAL

The Certified Rigger Level 1 Renewal course is for individuals who have a current Certified Rigger 1 Certification and need to renew it. Upon successful completion you’ll receive a new certificate valid for 2 years.

Certified Signal Person RENEWAL

The Certified Rigger Level 1 Renewal course is for individuals who have a current Certified Rigger 1 Certification and need to renew it. Upon successful completion you’ll receive a new certificate valid for 2 years.

Certification Renewal Courses

Aparejador certificado Nivel 1 RENOVACIÓN

El curso Certified Rigger Level 1 Renewal es para personas que tienen una certificación Certified Rigger 1 actual y necesitan renovarla. Al completar con éxito, recibirá un nuevo certificado válido por 2 años.

RENOVACIÓN de persona de señal certificada

El curso de Renovación de persona de señal certificada es para personas que tienen una Certificación de persona de señal actual y necesitan renovarla. Una vez finalizado con éxito, recibirá un nuevo certificado válido por 2 años.